Puzzles are a fun way to entertain oneself and get rid of stress. This program has a huge set of different jigsaw puzzles for you to solve. Its interface is very attractive and easy to use. You can adjust many of the program's features, such as turn on or off the sound effects, music and animation effects, modify the color and texture of the background space, and more. You can also choose the shape of the pieces.
A great advantage is that you can adjust the difficulty level of the puzzle you want to solve; that is, if you are a beginner or don't have enough time to spend solving a medium-difficulty puzzle, you can adjust the amount of pieces you want to have in it. The minimum is 24 pieces. Conversely, if you are an expert and want a more challenging puzzle, you can increase the amount of pieces up to 1040.
The program also allows you to create puzzles from your own photos. You only need to load the photo, modify it by choosing the amount of pieces, the effects and so on, and push the Play button.
There is a disadvantage: at the start of the program a screen appears asking you to set MyPlayCity's webpage as your browser's default startup page. You need to uncheck the corresponding box if you don't want to accept this modification. Also, when closing the program, the website opens automatically. This can be annoying, but maybe it's the way of keeping the program free.
During the installation the program asks to install additional software. Nevertheless, you can decline to do so and still have the program installed to your system.